Perceptual Learning Without Feedback in Non-Stationary Contexts: Data and Model

Petrov, A., Dosher, B., & Lu, Z.-L. (2006)
Perceptual Learning Without Feedback in Non-Stationary Contexts: Data and Model. Vision Research, 46(19), 3177-3197.
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The role of feedback in perceptual learning is probed in an orientation discrimination experiment under destabilizing non-stationary conditions, and explored in a neural network model. Experimentally, perceptual learning was examined with periodic alteration of a strong external noise context. The speed of learning, the performance loss at each change in external noise context (switch cost), and the asymptotic accuracy d' without feedback were very similar or identical to those with feedback. However, lack of feedback led to higher decision bias (error responses matching the external noise context). In the model, the stimulus representations are constant, whereas the read-out connections to a decision unit are learned by a Hebbian plasticity rule that may be augmented by additional feedback input and criterion control of decision bias.

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Created 2005-08-07, last updated 2006-07-25.